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The 11 Biggest Health Benefits Of Drinking Mint Tea

2024-06-02 06:42| 来源: 网络整理| 查看: 265

Mint is a popular herb and it is used as a tea or a spice in the kitchen, fresh or dried. The health benefits of drinking mint tea are various – it can help improving digestion, fighting colds and coughs, reducing headaches, bad breath.

This herb comes in many varieties and it has been known for hundreds of years. As a spice, it is included in many recipes, especially before the main course to help with digestion.

Continue reading to find out the biggest benefits of drinking mint tea.

Mint Tea Benefits1. Eases Sore Throat

It is never nice to have a sore throat, this is why the combination of mint tea with lemon and honey is my go-to tea for when I have a cold.

When you have a sore throat, adding honey will help to soothe the painful sore throat as it has antibacterial properties. The menthol also helps to relax the muscles of the throat helping to stop the coughing and ease the sore throat.

For some more ideas on how to calm a sore throat, you can check my post 5 Surprising Teas for Sore Throat.

2. Helps Digestion

Mint tea also helps with聽digestion聽and it can be the perfect tea after a heavy meal. Even for those moments when you feel you had too much to eat and the digestion is slowed down, drinking a warm cup of mint tea will make you feel better.

In general, drinking mint tea helps a lot to reduce the sensation of a heavy stomach.

3. Eases Bloating

Mint tea also helps to ease the sensation of being bloated.聽 Because of the menthol contained, it helps to move the gas through the body and stimulates the bile flow.

This way it helps with聽bloating,聽stomach discomfort聽and聽improves digestion.

4. Mild Stimulant

Some people prefer drinking mint tea in the morning instead of coffee, to wake them up. Another benefit of mint is that it is a mild stimulant and it can help you to聽kick-start the day.聽Because of the cool refreshing flavour, the body will feel more invigorated and the mind more focused.

5. Calms Cough

As mentioned earlier, it helps with a sore throat but it also calms your cough. Mint tea is a great companion when you feel a bit under the weather.

Mint Tea _ www.gabriela.greenThe 11 Biggest Health Benefits Of Drinking Mint Tea_ www.gabriela.greenTHE 11 BIGGEST HEALTH BENEFITS OF DRINKING MINT TEA_ www.gabriela.greenTHE 11 BIGGEST HEALTH BENEFITS OF DRINKING MINT TEA_ www.gabriela.greenTHE 11 BIGGEST HEALTH BENEFITS OF DRINKING MINT TEA_ www.gabriela.greenTHE 11 BIGGEST HEALTH BENEFITS OF DRINKING MINT TEA_






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